Never go to sleep angry

Never go to sleep angry - Wisdom Quotes 4U

Never go to sleep angry – Wisdom Quotes 4U

I had to learn in life. Never stay angry. We all argue sometimes, but it’s better to let it pass quickly, forgive and move on. Never leave without an I love you. It does turn out to be the last time for some of us, then we have the complicated task of forgiving ourselves when the other is no longer here to forgive or no longer here to forgive us. ~ Bianca Corsino 

Never again will I sleep with anger in my heart towards someone I truly love. ~ Glaiza Estamos 

It makes you feel lighter and at peace. I used to keep everything in my heart which affected my mind and thoughts too, but since I changed myself and learned to forgive I am at a different level in my life. I feel free! ~ Uma Prasad 

Be at peace with yourself. Forgive them not because they deserve your forgiveness but you deserve the freedom of peace. ~ Guru Sharma 

Life is what you make it. If you want to be happy forget the negative parts of your life. Enjoy every day that God gave us.

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