Never give up! Your day will come

Never give up! Your day will come

Patience and perseverance is the key to success.

I am claiming that day is today. The miracles happens today. ~ Jocelyn Babon 

I will never give up. Life is full of surprises keep your heart open and don’t give up having faith in God will open the doors needed. ~ Suzanne Rutherford 

Some days you feel like the pain and the anxiety are just going to consume your very own existence wondering: how come I haven’t gotten a call or text? Wondering what they’re doing or worrying if they’re ok. One thing we forget is to think about ourselves because we love with such love that a simple smile on their face makes our day that much brighter. However, remind yourself that if they decided to walk away it’s probably because they couldn’t appreciate your awesomeness and it’s their loss not yours. Cry and reminisce to heal, but don’t stay there. You are an amazing person and soon the right one will find you not the other way around! ~ Louie Ibarra 

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