Losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much

Losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much

Losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much…

Losing yourself in loving people too much that they just take you for granted knowing you’ll always be around.

Been there done that till one day he ran off with another woman. Later he wanted to come back to our nearly 16-year marriage. I told him at one time I loved him more than myself but that isn’t the case anymore cause now I love myself more than him. And that he hurt me so bad and the only way I could come close to having him feel my pain was not giving him me back. Then I walked away & divorced him over 3 years ago. I have no regrets and I’m so much happier. ~ Tammy FosterĀ 

You can not love yourself enough to balance a relationship. If we could somehow learn to love ourselves as much as we love others or accept ourselves as much as we do others, we would live in a much better world. ~ Ken Ayotte

You can lose yourself while trying to give all your love to that one person and at times you love that person too much that you don’t realize how special you are and that you too can find someone who will accept the love you give them.

First, learn to love yourself. You’ll find it easier to attract the right people into your life and if you do find someone, you’ll have a balance. Otherwise, you will definitely lose yourself and get hurt in the end. ~ Ashfaq Janjua

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