Life is too short to stress yourself

Life is too short to stress yourself

You have to step away for a few minutes or more if possible from all the noise and chaos and learn to breathe and meditate and clear your mind from all of the stressful chaos. We have to decide we are going to do it over everyone else. ~ Tommie Freeman 

Even in this time of sadness, you still need to take a break and relax. I used to go to a drive just so I could cry and let all my frustrations out. You have to have faith in God that everything will be ok. We cannot stop death and everyone deals with it different. No matter how busy your schedule is take a minute and take a deep breath. Think about all the good things you and your parent had. I used to go to work at night, go home and change clothes and go to the hospital. I did this for a year. It took a lot out of me. My father told me that if I keep doing what I’m doing, I was going to beat him to heaven. He reminded me that he lived his life and that I had a wife and kids to take care of. Just make time for yourself. Trust me it really helps. ~ David Bright 

There are things that we cannot changed, but to let go and let God handle it for us.

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