Learn to be Alone & to Like it

Learn to be Alone & to Like it

Make friend with yourself you will never be alone.

Being with yourself in the middle of nature is the best thing you can do when alone. Suits for many situations. ~ Johanna Santanen 

Sometimes, given the choices you have, it is better to be alone. At least you’ll love your own company. ~ Christine Faciane

Far far better than being with someone who you feel you can’t be yourself with or someone who makes you uncomfortable. ~ Karyn Rose 

You do need to learn to enjoy your own company, it makes you a better and stronger person, which brings inner satisfaction. I love peace and tranquility. ~ Lorraine Chetwynd 

Being alone is better then being with someone you don’t quite connect with even if they feel you and them are good together. Rather be home alone sat night then be lonely with a husband or boyfriend. ~ Pam Doering 

I have decided this will be a permanent situation for me. better to be alone than to be disappointed. ~ Marlene Arreola 

I love the company of the right people, but I am very happy to be alone and enjoy my own company (with a good book and good music). I know I am the right person for me. ~ Ron Victor 

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  1. Idelma

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