It’s precious privilege to be alive

It's precious privilege to be alive

It is indeed a privilege to be alive in this beautiful world on this beautiful day. ~ Linda Donoho

Indeed life is such a privilege, one to cherished, definitely not to be wasted. ~ Georgi Olenik

When you struggle hard and passing through most trying and challenging journey of your life you realise its real worth. ~ Pitchiah Mudaliar

Life is a drama, where everyone is assigned a role to perform on stage, it could be a comedy, tragedy, or a comedy-tragedy. We have to learn from our ups and our downs, the challenges on our lives should rather be seen as sources of divine instinct of inspiration to fight harder to make a difference, and stand tall among many.  We have only one chance to experience this Earth. The reality is painful but still we must voice it, where do you think you can fight for your freedom.

I believe the only chance is on this planet earth. Never be scared of cowards who think they are brave and smart ones who intimidate the poor, the innocent and the weak with their little ill-acquired power and wealth from saying what is right in society and should be practice. I edge the adherers of ‘positiveness push down these’ scavengers ‘or vampires’ with the strong weapon of voice of truth. Whenever they hear the voice of the righteous they tremble and fall from their higher seats and bow down with shame. ~ Martin Atarah

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