It’s ok to Move on from something

It's ok to Move on from something

You don’t need anyone to move forward with, do it for yourself.

We all should try to remember this lesson & enjoy the past but look forward to the future & live in the here & now.

Just think now you can explore new things & meet new interesting people. Who knows, along the way you just may meet that very special person. ~ June Grieco 

If you stop that’s the end , ‘keep moving’ is the golden message of nature to mankind , look around the sea waves, rivers, wind ,birds ,day, night, earth itself all are in the move, knowingly or unknowingly we are also on the move. ~ Jazeen Rameez 

We’re given a life, we choose, to be happy or sad. Either way its up to us. Secret might be just accepting it been part of you and letting go, simply learn from the past. ~ Mundo Del Nelle 

To move on and take second chance to live life again. Life is all about moving on. Past is past. Do not be afraid of having wrong or right. God has a reason and plan for you. Be happy!

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