It’s better to be single

It's better to be single

The key is to not let go of who and what you are but to find someone to share who and what you are. Enjoy the learning curve. ~ Andrea Maur 

Never settle for less than what you deserve. We are all entitled to our very own slice of heaven to participate in our very own share of personal happiness. Keep looking for the right one to enter our lives and make the wait all that much more worthwhile. We are all so deserving of the best that life has to offer us. ~ Margaret Young 

It’s like settling for crumbs when out there somewhere is the perfect cake for you. Be patient but also be realistic. Good relationships require effort from both involved. ~ Karen Wolfe 

One basic truth before entering into a relationship is to first be best friends and not horny “bedpals”. One other thing that men forget is that women don’t think like us men and vice versa. Companionship is what both men and women desire. ~ Clifford Williams 

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