It’s always Risk to Love

It's always Risk to Love

The risk of falling in love out weighs any heartbreak. Better to have tried and failed than not tried at all.

It’s a risk being a passenger with some drivers. Two people in love, with each other, that being the case, love will find a way. What if it doesn’t work out, sounds like a load of doubt, positive relationships are built and based on vision, trust strength, compassion, and a bunch of other stuff that makes up the fabric of love. Sacrifice and effort are two basic requirements. ~ Ernie Sierra 

If you don’t try, one thing is for sure that you will never find love.

Risk is better then regret.

It’s a gamble you may loose so much including yourself your spark of life, like I have, but then you think I have nothing else to loose so you dare to think about trying again cause what if this time you get it right, oh how worth it, it would be. ~ Rita Gonzalez 

The biggest mistake you can make is doing nothing because you’re too scared to make a mistake. ~ Annekatrin Schalle

In the end, what we regret the most are the chances we never took.

I was blinded by love and didn’t deserve what he did to me. I’m worth better than that. Life is all about choices and taking risks, if you don’t try you will never know. ~ Edith Vaillancourt 

It’s nice to see people who are willing to risk love. Life is not always easy, it has many choices that you can make and the best one is to love and to allow yourself to be loved. I risked love and it didn’t workout, I didn’t deserve what I got, but I learned a lot in the process and I’m willing to do it again, even if it doesn’t workout. I am a better person for it. ~ John Janssen 

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