It takes everything to stand alone

It takes everything to stand alone

Not only standing alone, having a strong heart and soul, having the power to face the world alone. ~ Marmoura Morris

Sometimes the only choice is to stand alone, but the better option comes when you can inspire others to stand along with you. ~ Janet London 

Better be alone than being with bad company. At times when given the choice, I would rather be with my pets or just commune with nature alone, meditate, pray or reflect than be with negative people. ~ Gigi Tan 

When talking about the term”standing alone”, we’re not implying”isolation” from the society. It suggests a fact that at certain times when we’re facing an obstacle or challenge, we can resolve it by relying on our inner strength, resourceful wisdom and intellectual abilities. If others are available to assist us, that’s good. If not, it’s also fine because we are strong and determined human beings who are aware of their divine ability to defeat all the odds even if we’re standing alone during those tough stages of life. ~ Rola Hachichou

Standing alone sometimes will give you a better look of who are your real friends, who are the people you can feel comfortable with, that you can put your trust in. Standing alone is not easy thing to do, but will definitely will make who you are and it will lead you to where you are supposed to be. ~ Aisha Sanni 

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