If you find somebody real enough to stay True

If you find somebody real enough to stay True

True friends are very hard to find, but seem also hard to keep.

Sometimes it’s the ‘genuine’ people that are the most refreshing.

True friends who stick with you through thick and thin are rare.

Just wait for them to cross your path once then you should keep them close if you have heart to have such great people.

I have a couple that are worth more than gold and I would do anything to keep them close. They know they are loved and cherished. They are almost lifetime friends and have been that way since we first met. One I met when we were in high school and the other about 35 yrs ago. I have no idea what I would do without them. Other good friends have come and gone through the years but these two are family and will always be. ~ Linda Flanders 

We are surrounded with posers and playas. I have my hands full being who I am, I don’t have time to be someone else. ~ Jim Capurso

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