If you carry more anger in your heart towards the past

If you carry more anger in your heart towards the pastAnger destroys the soul.

Anger no good, replace it with love for yourself friends and your family.

If anger will always in you, you will never have peace of mind and you will not be happy. 

Anger and hurt causes you to build walls so high you can’t see over, under or around. You are caging yourself in. Avoid and move on. 

Toxic and corrosive, it can destroy all other relationships you have in the present and the future, you will be person no longer easy to love unless you forgive. Let go and move on. ~ Elsie Terima 

Release and forgive. Most importantly, forgive yourself. Forgiveness is the best gift to yourself.

The past might have shaped our present but it’s what we do to our present that will help shape a better future.

Close the door to the past and open the door to the present.

Just let it go. It only hurts you and no one else, so not worth the time and energy it consumes.

The problem with giving in to anger is it gives you this false sense of strength and pleasure. It’s effects comes quick but they are also brief. But what gives you a true sense of strength and pleasure is peace and love and that is something that can take a lifetime to learn but once mastered you will never drink from the bitter, perishing water of anger but from the sweet, living water of peace. ~ Philippe Laveaux 

You cannot harbour negative seeds and expect a prosperous harvest of blessings. Positive seeds of goodness, kindness, joy, peace, and love yields a fruitful harvest, that is why it is so important as to what we plant. Anger is negative and be gets negativity and should be left in the past. Sow love because it covers a multitude of sins. ~ Myrna Johnson 

We are responsible for our own self, nobody else. Confronting anger has you be seen through this prism. Do not let the emotions of others to manipulate. If anger is coming from within, recognize it and find a positive way to deal: ie meditation, music, art, exercise, etc. ~ Thomas Brown 

We don’t have to forget the past, but we have to let go of the anger and bitterness. Dragging those attitudes with us hurts ourselves more than it hurts others. It is possible to forgive and proceed in life with peace. ~ Frances Murphy 

I just focus on living, loving and appreciating the present and leave ugly or painful past where it belongs way behind me. I can do nothing to improve it, so, why waste time on it when there is so much good to give my time, heart and love to. ~ Jax Morton

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