If you are going to stay, stay forever in my heart

If you are going to stay, stay forever in my heart

If you’re going to talk, make sure you mean what you say, you say what you mean, and wherever possible you do it with kindness. 

Mean what you say, do what needs doing and change if needs be, but JUST DO IT like Nike.

If you’re going to do something do it if you’re not don’t talk about it.

Don’t procrastinate, do what you can make better today and mean what you say let your yes mean yes and no mean no. If you offend someone unintentionally go and apologize just to have a peace of mind and lessen the impact of the hurt you caused. ~ Norma Powell 

Here’s 3 things I’ve learned in life:
1 People believe what they want to believe.
2 you can’t make someone care about you.
3. Don’t ever close your eyes when you’re driving. 

~ Ann Healy

I always mean what I say and at times gets me into trouble but I always speak my mind and mean it. ~ Hazel Butler 

If you slip in a moment of haste apologize right away. ~ Robin Perritt 

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