If something causing you more pain

If something causing you more pain

It hurt like hell, but sometimes you just have to decide what is better for you and walk away. I did and I don’t regret it. ~ Judith Jensen 

When another person you have allowed to keep you in the state of disrespect, being lied to or when deception is involved. It is time to let go. ~ Catherine Bernard

Why is it hard to let go? He beats you, she insults you, they don’t appreciate you, you are not valued by them, no one respects you, you don’t trust it, something does not feel right, it gets worse not better, they don’t change. What makes you, as a human being believe that you just can’t let go? Why would you need someone else to go to, you have you. If you think someone who does not honor or respect you is “in your veins” you don’t know you well enough. There is no one that is more important to you, than you, seek it out. ~ Dara Winters 

Being hurt in the short term is so much more preferable than being hurt in the long term. Why let it drag on unnecessarily and prolong the sheer agony of it all with its ever present pain and the inevitable unhappiness. Rather a clean break is called for here a swift, decisive and final break and walk away knowing your very happiness is at stake here. ~ Margaret Young 

It is very, very hard to let go but when you do it is like the world has been lifted off of your shoulder. Doesn’t mean it is easy, it is so very hard but well worth it in the long spectrum of things. ~ Paula Quattlebaum 

I walked away after 16 years. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but I don’t regret it at all. It feels so much better. ~ Robin Fitzgerald 

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