If someone shows you their true colors

If someone shows you their true colors

RUN!!!!!! don’t waste YEARS.

Repainting would only cover up the cracks for a while then before we know it, the cracks just show again, this time the paint has become too thick, it’s harder to stick another coat. ~ Monch Estrella 

For those who get in a relationship with the idea that the other person won’t really get to know the real you. If that’s how you live, then you’re wasting time on living a lie. No one can put a front forever. ~ Em Sunico 

Don’t force anyone to love or like you. You know the ones that have stood the test of time. They will not ever leave because God knows we all need someone to hold our hand through life. Some times the ones closest to you hurt you the most, so it’s ok to not let them in your life. Still love and pray for them and be there for them. ~ Shaista Pollard 

I got blasted with someone’s true colors last year and I am proud to say that I ran from that crap. I deserve so much better than lies and betrayal. ~ Kellie Nichols 

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  1. amelia dacruz

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