I may not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday

I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday

All you can do is try & if you fall down you just got to get back up again.

I am exactly where I want to be. I’m happy and content and I won’t allow anyone into my life to change this. ~ Veronica Coughlin 

I may never get there, but the eye is on the prize and each step forward with the mindset of doing the next right thing gets me closer to where I want to go. Peace and love is my road map. Hope and faith is my wing man. Acceptance and forgiveness is my fuel. Join the ride! It’s got it’s bumps here and there but the journey’s pretty incredible and rewarding. Plenty of room. ~ Wally Peterson 

Be effective and have a willingness to accept where you are at now. Radically accept and do what you can to change. Let the rest be still. You may have a moment in the future to change it but it’s not right now. ~ Karly Louise 

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