I look forward to being older

I look forward to being older

Be happy to get older, not everyone gets the chance. ~ Pam Betts 

Being healthy is more important than what you look like. You know longer struggle to keep the perfect image. ~ Lisa Keller 

Age is just a number. It’s how you gracefully mature, as the physical beauty fades, the more the inner beauty blooms. ~ Smiley Del Rosario 

Beauty fades our emotions and experiences expand and give us a glow. It’s up to you to determine what is beauty. Live your life to its fullest and try to find happiness in all you do that is a universal beauty. ~ Evelyn Franzella

Prettiness is for the individual, not for another to muse upon. Beauty is in the heart. Try going outside of your words and pay it forward. Give to another person today as opposed to harping on someone you will most likely never chance to meet in your lifetime. ~ Satice James 

People wear tons of make up, trying to hide their ignorance. There is so much freedom in owning who you are and loving that person. If you can’t love yourself as you are and including your looks, it’s a sad thing. ~ Stephanie Guess 

The most beautiful of another person, see the facade. Appearance is a shell that gradually disappears. Should we really be fascinated by another person, you have to find the characteristics and personality behind any visual appeal. ~ Torunn Johnsen 

People only look at the outside for beauty. That is so shallow. Real honest beauty comes from inside. The outside only enhances the inside. You can be the most beautiful person in the world & black as sin inside. ~ Dee Cooper

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