How you are as a person & how you make others feel?

How you are as a person & how you make others feel

It is how you are inside of you and how you treat other people that counts, and not how attractive you look, looks has got nothing to do with how you are.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and its only skin deep, not heart core deep. You always go for the looks physically when you look for a partner. To look for beautiful people is to try to get to know the person not intimately but know the person if you have anything in common. Best friends did not become best friends till they get to know each other and it takes time, energy and effort to do that. ~ Norma Powell

What does it cost you to think how what you say or write will do to the person you are talking about? Once said you can’t take it back. Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. What goes around really does come around.

I know many people who supposedly have good looks; but there are very ugly inside.

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