How well you know the women?

How well you know the women?

Women hear everything in their heart first, then it goes to their head. Men, they hear everything in their head first, if your lucky some filters down, to their heart. Just yell, at a women you have just buried yourself. It don’t matter what you do your not getting in. My advice, speak softly. Be sensitive, she’s a jewel, polish your jewel. Always honour her in every way. ~ Jeffrey Stephens 

Being a sensitive person, it has allowed me to be more compassionate, understanding and attentive to my loved ones needs. Over thinking allows me to carefully choose my words, my thoughts and decisions. Over thinking enhances my creativity and problem solving. Men have their own attributes and flaws and shouldn’t be compared or measured by women’s standards, vice verse. Some men are just as sensitive and over think as much as the next woman. ~ Brigitte Nicole

We cry and get angry over petty things. We are so sensitive but if we love someone it’s a whole devotion in our part. ~ Liezl Ramos 

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