How to know whether a person is a nice human being?

How to know whether a person is a nice human being?

You can tell a person’s character by observing the way they treat those who can do nothing for them. 

Be nice to others and don’t ever look down or judging others. That’s the true meaning of being a nice person. ~ Shine Santos 

You can tell a lot about someone in how they treat others, especially if they are in a service job. ~ Maro Kasparian 

Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking.

If you’re with a man who treats a waitress badly, run because you’re in the company a man who will treat you badly as well. ~ Ann Taylor 

If he don’t respect his mother or family members his not going to be so nice to you. ~ Dorca Bujan 

As a server if a customer is rude to me I kill them with kindness. Further more where I work there is no room for rude servers. ~ Shelley Gosselin 

A person who nice to you, but doesn’t nice to the pet, he is not a good people too. ~ Derek Tee 

Be nice to people on your way up because you’ll meet them on your way down. ~ Marlizper Centinales 

Sounds like my husbands first wife. He told me long time ago. She was always rude and cocky when they went out to dinner, was like that to everyone. Guess what? That marriage lasted less than a year. Turns out she is just not nice, never was, never will be, it’s no big secret. ~ Joanne Finn  

It totally depends on the situation for who is on the fault whether the waiter or the customer because we have both rude waiters and rude customers, the point is how are we going to apply the God’s word in to practice, we do have a choice to forget and forgive or just abide by the law and teach the culprit a lesson. For sure working in houses and restaurants is really challenging and a stressful job. We need to pray for all those brothers and sisters who are working in houses and restaurants to be anointed by the Holy Sprit to have extra patience and energy and Pray for God’s promotion in due time. ~ Robert Christian 

I don’t like rude waiters or rude people for that matter. But the point here means, if a person is nice to you but they are generally rude to people in customer service industry, beware they are not very nice people. Don’t look down on anyone, unless you are helping them up. ~ Brigitte Nicole

Treat others as you wish to be treated.

You can change a wait persons day by addressing them by their names. It will also get you better service almost every time. ~ Mark Saywell 

Leave a decent tip! These people are working below minimum wage. ~ Jamie Brzustoski 

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