Good people are like candles

Good people are like candles

Keep your flame going and share your light with others.

Good people burn themselves up. They shine their own light to pull people out of darkness. They do not burn themselves out which would mean, running themselves to the ground. ~ Brigitte Nicole

They are the salt of the earth, sharing who they are. They rarely complain because what they do is who they are. Their reward is happiness. They have a broad understanding of the self. They restore faith in humanity. The light they give out illuminates. It does not glare. They do cross paths with opposition. May our planet be abound with good people. ~ Zandise Booi 

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. ~ Buddha

We all burn for ourselves first. To be confident enough with yourself. Makes you want to enjoy and taste everything around you with a wise mind, which makes you shine. But when people you deeply love are in your opinion in need of light, that is when good people start giving their energy to teach others to shine by themselves, even when they’re in need to pass the storm too and this energy is the same that makes you shine. It’s the love of the heart for directed for yourself and the one around you that you give much weight in your life. But never worry, the more you give the more comes back. ~ Phil Bergeron 

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