Go for someone who is proud to have you

Go for someone who is proud to have you

Just because someone desires you does not mean that they value you. So, all you need is one person to believe in you and the world is yours. 

There is such more than the outside packaging that makes up a person. The way they treat others, whether they are giving, unselfish, make you laugh, listen to you, support your every move. Really accept you for you good and bad. The outside package is nothing compared to the inner person. Our society is so hung up on looks. Take a look at that gorgeous girl and how she treats a less desirable girl. Does she mock them, make fun of them. Talk mean about them? Is that what you really want in a mate? ~ Denise Brozeau 

Values of a person is important. What we value, we willingly sacrifice for. Taking someone special for granted only means we valued something more than our relationship with that special someone. ~ LP Karen 

To be valued by another is priceless. For someone else to see you as so much more. Someone who sees your true inner beautiful and greatness. The inside is what everyone should see first before they see the outer being. ~ Crystal Wade 

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