Give people more chances than they deserve

Give people more chances than they deserve

Self care is a positive thing you can do for yourself. It’s a necessity for your own survival, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually!
No room in my life for drama queens and people who are addicted to chaos. You need to know when to say NO and mean it and love yourself enough to protect yourself from the “energy drainers” of this world. ~ Mary Waldron 
The most important thing is to learn how to set realistic boundaries and expectations of those who demand more energy from you than you can give them and love yourself enough to not let others cross those boundaries, otherwise you’re opening yourself up for a world of hurt. I used to feel guilty when I said “no” , but now I’ve realized the importance of maintaining my own sense of balance. Love yourself enough to not let others hurt you and when they do, cut them loose and don’t look back. ~ Mary Waldron 
Self care and boundaries are not only positive, but necessary to live a balanced, healthy life. If you’re not taking care of yourself first, you soon won’t be able to take care of others. Abusive relationships, be they physical, mental or emotional, need to be broken away from for your own personal and emotional safety. You can forgive while still -moving on with your life without that toxic person in it. ~ Sally Young 


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