Everything that is meant to be will come at the designated time

Everything that is meant to be will come at the designated time

Good things happen for those who patiently waits.

The way to get the chick to hatch from the egg provide the right conditions for progress, then wait. Seed… Shoot… Flower… Fruit – each comes naturally in that order. There are no shortcuts.

Knowing from the very start that when you ask for something know the rules. “Yes you can have it.”, “not now”, or “no, it may do you no good, for now”, so there’s no room for disappointments, after all one can have whatever he wants in due time. ~ Lucila Morota 

That’s why teaching children to garden is good for them. They have to wait to reap the fruits of their labour and it teaches them patience, something which is invaluable in a society where most want everything now. ~ Heather Young 

Don’t die donkey, until you find green grass. Patience is limited, depends on what we want to reach. Sometimes we must recognize when to let things go in right time, because life passes fast. ~ Dijana Haseljic

This happens to me everyday. It is called GPS God’s Positioning System. ~ Mary Gebig 

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