Lesson will not be lesson if it has no worth at all.
Like people steeling your plastic knife. That lesson was priceless in so many ways. The love, the knowledge, the happiness and the sadness and mostly your undying love to someone you always love no matter where they are. ~ Elizabeth Hof
Life is a big lesson & every person are learning some thing in this lesson either bad movement or good all are facing this situation & learning something lesson is never end. ~ Rockap Fanda
If everyone would just watch and listen to others that they would learn a lot. People pass through our lives for a reason. I have learned, still learning from so many people that I pass by every single day. ~ Cindy Brodie
There are people God brings across our path for a season. It’s had to accept that not everyone is meant to be in our lives forever. Just as God supernaturally brings people into our lives, He will supernaturally move some out. ~ Carol Krueger