Every struggle is temporary & we’re never alone

Every struggle is temporary & we're never alone

Always remember there is sunshine behind every storm. Just hold on to faith, it’s going to be worth it in the end.

I’m in a horrible storm, been through a few but this one might be the one that’ll take my life. I am alone, I have no one in my life that seems to care and as much as I reach out and cry for help no one bothers. I’m doing my best to keep my head above water. ~ Isaac Gutierrez 

There is brisk after heavy storm. Be confident enough to stay on calm still the storm is over. Each storm teach you how to respond and defend as it’s recurring and learn to be more positive against next possible. ~ Jomon Mathew 

After every storm, rain falls down voicing the peace and a beautiful rainbow appears as if sky is smiling. Never surrender, maybe we are still in this beginners, but experiences will fill out diary book. Always positively to future look, we are warriors and we will protect our lives, yes! we will strive. ~ Farah Zoor 

The storms of life is usually temporary. Patience is demanded when we face it. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. God always ensures that peace be still. 

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