A broken heart is so universal, yet can seem so lonely. ~ Elizabeth Mary
The right one will come and make everything perfect when my heart is ready again. ~ Tammy Greider
We all need love and rest in difficult times. But, our everything can never leave. We have God, the Universe, ourselves our deep peaceful inner light and core. If one is going to stake all on another person, then emptiness is what one finds when they leave. ~ Lydia Verschoyle
We grieve and once we get the chance to look past the lost we are able to appreciate the opportunity we had to experience what we had. As much as we don’t like to lose the things we love, if we look at it as a chance to try again no matter how much we don’t want to because we wanted what we had so much. Though one door has shut, another will open and you never know what it holds for us but we have to continue to try. Stay Strong and Keep going!
People need love and rest when the sorrow or burnout comes, but everything never goes and leaves. Everything just changes and you are your own everything. ~ Johanna Hiltunen
A heart needs to receive & give love, to have true happiness. We are human, God is Love & a closed heart, grows bitter.