Erasing yourself from somebody’s life

Erasing yourself from somebody's life

Sometimes you can try an entire lifetime and still can’t do it right.

The most important thing is knowing and understanding ourselves. What do we want in our life.

When you know what you want for yourself and you can. It’s not simple but when we you are determined to do to let go the cage then it’s the best decision you have ever did. ~ Pinky Morishima

You just stop seeing that person under the circumstances that well, you don’t actually have to. You remember to surround yourself with those who really and genuinely love you. Go back to them. Must not forget that they are the ones who will be there for you at the end of the day. ~ Tracy Ho 

Before we decide on something we have to consider first who will be affected and what will be the consequences. ~ Ma Shee Tan 

Anybody can walk out the door and well, no, not everyone can do it. But yes, its easier then erasing that person from your life because when you leave, you don’t usually think as you just want to escape, be it an abuse situation between spouses, drug or alcohol situation, etc. Its because you still are tied to that person and probably still love him/her. You don’t want to be without that person and until you walk out that door and close that door behind you and don’t come back because it’s the same thing over and over again, that person will still have a hold over you till you yourself do something about it, get help yourself first and then see what happens. Yes, insanity is doing the same thing over again expecting different results they say, and nothing changes till you change. ~ Lenore Bruner

It doesn’t matter what kind of relationship it is, whether it be marriage, bf/gf, friend, or even family, you have to do what’s best for you no matter how hard it is. What’s hurting you sure isn’t helping you at all. You’re better off walking away. ~ Mary Inman

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  1. carmen cushing

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