Don’t waste time looking back at what you’ve lost

Don't waste time looking back at what you've lost

Like driving your car forward, but keeping your eyes set in the rear view mirror. Keep your focus on the road ahead of you that you’ll not miss the mark. ~ Katie Demmert 

Life is long journey, don’t look back or else you will never reach your destination. So keep on moving forward. 

That is why our eyes are in front of our head. Don’t look back. ~ Andrew Zarras 

Life is never meant to be travelled backwards. A hope for the hopeless. ~ Maryam Bakare 

One cannot and should not ever be stuck in the past. I used to do that and it got me nowhere. As Toyota says: Keep Moving Forward. ~ Dean Schiessl 

Past already happened and the only thing worth going there is lessons we’ve learned making mistakes. This we can apply now to try and create a better, happier and more fulfilled life. ~ Vivian Sauter 

With each passing moment, there’s a new one ahead; Another road, another window, another door instead. Today is the present, don’t look to the past. God has a plan for your future. ~ Lucinda Berry Hill

Do not forget the memories good or bad, they’ve made the you of today. ~ Elena Potts 

Even though life must be lived forward, but It can only be understood backwards. ~ Vivian Sauter 

Live forward and understand backwards, so you don’t make the same mistakes. ~ Katja Wass 

Life is meant to be enjoyed. We learn the lessons as we move forward. That is how we know we are living. ~ Peggy Selk 

From what we lose we should learn to be able to go forward. ~ Danyel Gonzalez 

I dream of the time to come, not the time gone bye. ~ Debra Gallagher

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