Don’t wait all Life for Happiness

Don't wait all Life for Happiness

Live in the present is a gift! Waiting is wasting precious moments that don’t come back.

Happiness must come from within. So don’t waste time thinking you will find it. Learning to love yourself for who you are is happiness and once you do that you realize what you thought you had to find was inside you all along.

Don’t wish your life away. Stop saying I can’t wait for this or that. It will come when it comes. Every day is valuable and it will never happen again. Life is too short to count down days like those days are worthless, someday you’ll wish you had those worthless days back that you couldn’t wait to get through. ~ Lori Morgan 

Don’t hide who you are, don’t wait for to be, Be now, what you want to be.

Some people waste their entire lives chasing “things” and there is never enough, as they will always want more or better. Meanwhile their families suffer and fall apart and sooner or later, the people that loved you will be gone. You will be left with nothing but your “things”. Empty, broken and alone. Maybe then they will understand, maybe not. ~ Jeanne Fleischhacker 

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