Don’t regret some of the decisions you made in the past

Don't regret some of the decisions you made in the past

Decisions and mistakes are made for a reason. All the decisions we make, are small steps toward our goal. We learn from all of it. We don’t see the end of the road, we can’t see our future, we just have to take it day by day. Our intuition and guidance from above moves us along the path. We only have hindsight to look back on to show us the progress we have made. So, when you are feeling like you’re going nowhere, look backwards, but keep at it and keep moving forward, asking for help and guidance along the way. ~ Cynthia Hood

There’s no great mystery behind the power of positive thinking. If we assume before the fact that we can’t accomplish something, we almost certainly won’t. If we believe that we can, we are much more likely to succeed. At least, we’ll make the effort. We talk ourselves out of interesting opportunities all the time. When we ought to be talking ourselves into them. ~ Emilio Radocchia

One has to realize that moving on and doing better is the best way to “fix” the mistakes that we made. It doesn’t help to be regretful for long. It’s okay for a short period of time. ~ Chung Tong

Some people say they want to die with no regrets. Not only is that impossible, but it’s assuming a person’s life is perfect. I love my regrets. They’ve caused me to reassess my approach and change to better achieve what I want. Regrets have been integral to shaping me into who I’ve always wanted to be. ~ Marc Mattaliano

Your own words are greatest than the plagiarized one. Your critical thinking’s been proven to encourage individual to learn/know their own self. ~ Irna Fernandez

Time and experience has a wonderful way to make us realize that we prosper, grow and learn to make better choices today, for ourselves and those we care for. ~ Bent Bashir

There really isn’t right or wrong. We are all on a journey and we learn from our decisions and actions every day.

Guilt is a wasted emotion. Own it, forgive oneself and try to do better. That is all any of us can do in any situation. ~ Sandra McKendrick

To judge the actions of others using your experiences is like looking at a glass of milk and getting mad because it isn’t a cup of coffee. It takes friends, family and walking daily with God to help us grow and make better choices. Who I am today is not who I was yesterday and neither are you. ~ Jackie Justice

I have made many bad decisions that I will live with for the rest of my life, no regrets though, because they made me the strong person I am today. ~ Lisa Marie

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