Don’t let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

Don't let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

Live through your heart” Make “good intentions” a priority in your life.

It will not be difficult if you remember that you are protecting yourself and it is for your own benefit. Put in your mind the consequences of not doing it.

It’s the little things that are pernicious. Be careful of what you put into your mind. Keep a positive attitude without getting blinded, by just refusing what doesn’t suit you. Still further don’t judge others, that’s the most important step. ~ Donna Rautenstrauch 

Some things are not worthy of our heart’s pain. Everybody has a different perspective of what they think is true and right; by gesture, thoughts or actions. Some people have a problem with being narcissistic; they’re usually the ones who don’t have a clue when they have hurt someone and will never accept blame for such a deed. When one is ‘self-absorbed’ one is oblivious to any wrong doing and rudeness! These are the ‘little’ people in ours lives. ~ Deborah Brightwell 

Your inner peace is your gift from the “GOD” which is the most valuable treasure that you can have & the dark force is always after your treasure. Don’t let them to take it away from you,if you loose it, you end up in darkness until eternity. ~ Moe Pezeshk 

I’m not living for someone else. I’ve wasted too much of my life wondering what others thought about me, but actually I was around negative waste of certain people. ~ Deborah Jane 

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  1. tohiera

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