Don’t let someone else’s opinion change the way you feel about something

Don't let someone else's opinion change the way you feel about something

Don’t follow the crowd. Make your own decisions. 

The problem comes when one sticks to their guns even in the face of contradictory facts aka “Confirmation Bias”. ~ Doug Bonner 

Don’t be sheep. Don’t follow what everyone else is doing. They may not know what is going on. ~ Lucita Flores 

We need to be sceptical but keep an open mind and be prepared to change our stance based on new & tested info. ~ Peggz Ross 

Even if the person hates you more than before, stand by what you believe no matter who that person is. Let them hate you, one day hopefully, they will realize it wasn’t worth hating you for. ~ Linda Zeek 

We are all entitled to our opinion that’s what makes us individuals and not just sheep following the path of least resistance. Every opinion is a different way of seeing things. ~ Frances Bradley 

You’re the only captain of your self and no one can command or manipulate you. ~ Reyboy Miles  

I listen and sometimes learn. I don’t assume that I’m always right. But I also don’t assume that others are right either. I try to discover what really works. ~ Jessica Macbeth 

I have had my eyes opened by listening to calmly expressed reasons of why someone’s opinion differed from mine. Core values should never change, but positions on some things should change as you grow. ~ Elizabeth McCauley

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