Don’t fall in love with someone who says the right things

Don't fall in love with someone who says the right things

Talk is cheap  and actions speak louder than words every time. Words are very easy to say and very nice to hear, but actions take more energy and effort to validate the words, that’s what counts the most. ~ Debbie Pecora 

Just because they say they have a good plan for the future does not mean they will follow it. How they act is what person they truly are. ~ Ryan McPhail 

I was with someone who just knew how to lie, big promises, I kept believing her words at the end I was the one who was betrayed. ~ Sunny Bindra 

A lot of men/women can say a lot of good things but never good deeds. ~ Shiela Tulio

Fall in love with the character of a person, not their facade. ~ Yolanda Sorrentino

Women hide everything from men and say that. The few women that use actions anymore don’t notice your actions when you reply to their actions. They just don’t seem to care, if your hitting on her. No matter if your winking at her, lifting you eyebrows, moving in towards her etc. This is the 21st century, not as many people use actions. Most people are all talk because of Facebook. Women have everything free now and you don’t want to have that broken. Why don’t you try working to get a man and let them do nothing until you find the one that loves you. See how it feels to be rejected 100’s of times till you find the right guy. It’s just like getting your heart broken each time. Women say they want nothing but love but they also want all money. Never trust a women when they say they are busy because it’s just an excuse. Women are big liars. ~ Mike Anderson 

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