Don’t ever let other’s make you feel anything

Don't ever let other's make you feel anything

It is better to be alone than be with someone who never lets you ‘be’ alone. ~ Helen Matchett 

Find someone who doesn’t make you feel lonely. Being alone does not mean you are lonely. ~ Catherine Jessica 

I choose to be alone and bought myself a dog. He never leaves me alone. ~ Anita Meeuwsen 

A large proportion of people expect others to make them happy, and when that doesn’t happen they feel betrayed and alone. ~ Leland Wagness 

Life is too short to be with someone who is not your match. Never be desperate about meeting the right man or woman. ~ Sharon Yvonne 

You need to stand tall and do the best possible, be the best person you can be. ~ Jose Ramos 

If one partner is unwilling to work on making things better, there’s nothing anyone can do. What a waste of 16 years. ~ Jennifer Joseph 

It’s best to be with someone that proof reads before publishing to the whole world. ~ Marco Mujica 

It is better to be alone than with the wrong person.

One is never really alone. They have not discovered how to know know yourself.

Marry your best friend and you’ll never be alone.

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