Don’t be too hard on yourself for your mistakes

Don't be too hard on yourself for your mistakes

Keep trying until reaching what you want.

Follow your heart and the things that makes you happy. Find love and live with it.

Never waste your time putting yourself down. There are plenty of people out there with nothing better to do willing to do it for you. 

Love yourself and be proud of everything you do. You may not be the best in crossing the line first, but you made it there. That is what makes you a winner. ~ Rich Hoback 

Think positive! Life’s too short to ponder on the past. Face the future with new horizon. Life has to go on as it is. Move on!

Stay positive and appreciate yourself first.

Sometimes we tend to blame ourselves for our failure. It’s better to keep this as a lesson that we should learn from it. ~ Verna Cruzat 

If at first you don’t succeed try, try, try again.

For a very long time I was really hard on myself. The last couple of years I’ve eased up and learned not to be. It inhibited me from seeing my strength, growth, accomplishments and true potential. 

If you beat yourself up, that leaves yourself open to other people tearing you down when you need positive vibes.

Learn from mistakes & move on. Mistakes are lessons in life.

Even mistakes mean you’re trying., but try not to make the same mistakes.

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