Dear mind! Please stop thinking so much at night

Dear mind! Please stop thinking so much at night

A nice warm bath/shower/ read until you fall asleep or use this form or meditation. As you sleep, try to always be aware of your breathing, up and down, quietly feel yourself breathing. As a thought pops up in your mind, put that thought in a cloud and in your mind, the cloud floats away. Do this every time: A thought: Put in in that cloud and see the cloud, floating away. Stay relaxed, calm. Remember, these are all just “thoughts” nothing more and you let them float away. You will eventually get tired and drift to sleep. Don’t give up, keep doing this, believe in it and stay calm. ~ Brigitte Nicole

Say to yourself that you have done your best that day and just let it shut down. ~ Laurie Carroll 

If there is nothing you can do right now to change a situation, you need to let it go (and keep letting it go over and over again if necessary). This act of acceptance takes lots of practice but really does work (most of the time!). ~ Tamyra Blanchfield 

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  1. Joanie

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