Connections are made with the heart, not with words

Connections are made with the heart, not with words

All of the beautiful things in life are felt by the heart.

There’s no better feeling to know and feel that someone loves you unconditionally.

No matter how much words you say, what’s inside the heart 1000 times more honest and louder. ~ Ramy Sabry

If death allowed me to pick a single moment in which to spend eternity, that moment is a sunset I spent with a friend. Our souls were one. ~ Claire Laskowski

It isn’t about chemistry either, intimacy, expression, touching, that’s what love is all about. Not chemicals on a table. ~ Malu Rivera

Too bad it takes some folks forever to figure it out. Not saying anything can say lots. Watch the body language and enjoy the togetherness. ~ Jim Whitehead

Connections are made when people both choose to connect. If only one link in a chain connects full circle and the other doesn’t, then there’s no possible way to expect connect. Why people choose and don’t choose to connect varies and one must respect when someone else doesn’t want to connect, but by the same token, there’s no need to pine away one’s life hoping any non-connector might suddenly have a change of heart. ~ Janet Raty

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