Choose being respected, than being loved

Choose being respected, than being loved

Respect is essential to a healthy loving relationship. 

Respect is a part of love, so if a person doesn’t respect you, then they don’t love you anyway. ~ Vernessa McVay

Love without respect is nothing but an illusion of its opposite, defined as love. Then, it loses the capacity to reflect its total spectrum. ~ Gerasimos Loukatos

If you truly deeply love someone ,you’ll definitely respect him/her. Love means to respect one another. ~ De Amber

With unconditional true love comes respect. They go hand in hand. You can’t “choose” between them. One does simply not exist without the other. ~ Jessica Voutos

Too many people rush into relationships feeling the heart wants what the heart wants without even knowing if respect has been established, not even earned. Take your time and make sure the person whom you love (or want to have a relationship with) has earned your respect (first) before you allow your feelings to grow on a deeper level. So choose respect before love. On a different note, there are many people I respect that I do not necessarily love but have grown to love because of the reciprocation of it over time.

Love for children and parents and friends is also much stronger when respect is there. ~ Sydney Castleton

You earn respect, and Love is Given. Neither can be demanded of you or by you. ~ Karen Morrison

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