Certain things will never go back to how they used to be

Certain things will never go back to how they used to be

Sometimes you have to shut the door and move on forward, then there is times you must gather up the memories and carry them with you. Because they will always be a part of you, even if they are not there anymore. ~ Marie Spencer 

If you keep going backwards you’re not in the present and you are missing what’s happening now. It’s been the one big change in my life I am working on. ~ Carla Gillespie 

This should be considered the greatest gift of all. If the only constant is change, then I feel its best to shape your future while you’re learning how to drive your own life. It’s all about the journey, the destination is always changing, regardless of where you end up. ~ Justin Merrill

That’s what memories are for. Unfortunately the really good memories are what makes it hard to live forward. ~ Michelle Lapointe 

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