Burning bridges prevents you from going back to a place you should never have been to begin with

Burning bridges prevents you from going back to a place you should never have been to begin with

You don’t burn the bridges that have done good or being there, but the bridges that have affected you emotionally and are leading you to self distraction are the ones you must burn. ~ Lesly Chavez

Sometimes it is time to let go of people or circumstances that are not serving you well any longer. ~ Carla Underwood

There are bridges that need to be burnt decisively especially when they bring destructive changes in your life. There are people whose influence in your life is not only harmful but blinds you to who you really are. I say burn the bridge before it collapses on you. ~ Itemeka Uko

Anyone trying to get back to where that bridge once led, has a lot of work on their own to rebuild it from their side back or just jump swim across and climb up and never look back. Other than that give up and stay away. ~ Samuel Young

This is the determination which is required after burning the bridges not to rethink again to reconstruct the past. ~ Pardeep Gupta

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