Before you Speak, let your words pass through three Gates

Before you Speak, let your words pass through three Gates

Before you pass judgement walk in that persons shoes.

Good thing to put to practice in relationships. ~ Patricia Alvarado 

Before I speak, three gates of gold. Three narrow gates: First, “Is it true?” Then, “Is it needful?” In my mind give truthful answer, and the next is last and narrowest, “Is it kind?” And if, to reach my lips at last, it passes through these gateways three, then I may tell the tale, nor fear what the result of speech may be.” ~ Unknown

Words can help, words can heal, they can also hurt, and can also kill. ~ Marlizper Centinales 

Many people say words so easily even if it hurt others. ~ Umi Kadarsih 

Most of the times the things that hurt the most might be true but unnecessary and most of all definitely unkind. We have no right to be unkind to someone even if we are kind the other times. Verbally hurting creates chasms which might reach to a ‘point of no return’. I personally would prefer to reach that point soon for a person who is habitual to behave this way. We all are God’s children. God expects us to be kind to each other and live in harmony not in a discord. Nevertheless, self peace is most important and it should never be at some one else’s destruction. ~ Ina Mishra 

Always consider other’s “capacity” when faced with conflict. Not everyone has the same capacity for understanding. This will help you to remain gentler when being frustrated in certain situations. ~ Becky Day 

Remember gossip is gossip even if you think you have something good to say about someone; the problem is people tend to hear what they want to hear and may quote you wrong or out of context and that can come back on you as bad gossip. ~ David Velasquez 

Being kind is a choice, much like love. Ego and selfishness isn’t a characteristic of kindness. ~ Danny Lepelley

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7 Responses

  1. yosry elhout
  2. yosry elhout
  3. randy jay
  4. Hairstyles

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