Be yourself! Everyone else is already taken

God made you the way you are for a reason

Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.

Be an original! I am who I am. The way you see me today that’s who I will be tomorrow. Not living in any one’s shadow. ~ Doris Owens 

Never stop being yourself. If don’t like you for who you are, you don’t need them in your life. ~ Larry Davis 

Always room for change and improvement. Don’t get stuck. Cherish our being and give it to all.

It is best to show the real you. They either love you or they don’t. It’s very difficult to be plastic, you might not be able to keep up the facade. ~ Rafaelito Cuzon

There is a co-worker that has a complaint about me that made me feel I should work on changing who I am. This tells me I am just the way God needs me to be, I am too happy and talkative. I do love to chat but I will refrain from any lengthy conversations with her. It is her loss. I am just filled with the Holy Spirit. Thank you God. ~ Suzanne Hallman 

Some of us are so into pretending that we can’t distinguish between the “original me” and the ” copy me” any more. ~ Patricia Van Wyk

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  1. Balmar Romero Arce

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