Be careful who you Trust

Be careful who you Trust

Just let’s be too much careful, evil are great pretenders, so soft in the front, then, without your attention, he’ll strongly stab you. ~ Victoria Alejandro 

You can’t entirely trust anyone in this world especially us, who live in the 21st century are screwed big time. People with big ego’s are the modern devils, so selfish and dangerous. You will understand what I’m talking about, when you’re paying attention in life. Be careful who you trust and what you are wishing for. ~ Ferhat Dikmen 

The good & evil is within us & outside of us. How would anybody knows what is heaven unless that experience hell. The life force comes though opposites. If there is no man, there won’t be any women if there is no nights there won’t be any days, if there is no good, there won’t be anything bad, if there is no love, there won’t be any hate. We are born to expensive life through the five senses & we develop good & evil though the five senses. Whatever we feed the most in our self, it will get stronger. So trust only in yourself & your creator & keep the light shinny within yourself, it will guide you out of darkness to the pure light which is pure love. ~ Moe Pezeshk 

Something I have learnt the very hard way being a very trusting person, one must be very careful and ask God for great discernment. ~ Stéphanie Carter 

I have seen this in action. Just because someone knows the word, doesn’t mean you can trust them with it. There have been some who make the word fit their own personal agenda, losing sight of what it was intended for. When in doubt, trust God, not human. ~ Patsy Raynor 

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