Be careful about who you tell your problems

Be careful about who you tell your problems

People disclose everything then wonder why people judge them. Not saying that one must be fake & say they don’t live a certain way if they do, but just don’t disclose too many personal details & be careful of who you disclose it to. ~ Danielle Williams 

There are people who are so miserable with themselves and their own lives that they get thrilled knowing you have problems so they can feel better about their own lives. ~ Sonia Chand 

If they talk about others to you they will certainly talk about you to others. Can’t trust anyone these days, ‘fake friends’.

What you do not desire the world to know, you keep to yourself, trust me if you look deep inside your soul, you will find the solution to your problems, some of us just need a second opinion, when we already know the answers, sadly, we end up trusting the wrong people, some of them “friends” who are backstabbers and eventually destroy you. If you are spiritual, you would know to pray with faith, and everything will fall in place. ~ Jessbella Darkhart  

People are far to open about their personal lives. I know people who talk about their criminal records, all their sex partners etc. People have no sense of privacy anymore. Everyone has to know everything they’ve ever done, good or bad. Someone may be a friend now but not later. Be careful about what ammunition you give them. ~ Lori Morgan 

Not everyone has good intentions. The worst is when you have been friends for years and than you do something wrong and there it goes, the knife. I call them fair weather friends. I try not to use the word hate, but I went through a situation that went sour. I couldn’t believe how simple it was for my (friend) to walk away and the icing on the cake. This so called friend doesn’t know how to admit when he/she is wrong. Has never uttered the words. ~ Karen McKenna 

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