Be around people that do things

Be around people that do things

When you move with real people, you prosper.

I am doing something with my life, moving on not hanging around and waiting, you just have to move on and live your life. ~ Val Brazier 

Surround yourself with people of like mind. You will have less stress.

7 years I listened to my ex and his family do this, about other family members, co-workers, future son in law, and even over heard them talk about me, but what made it even worse, is to their
face, it was all love and kindness.  Removed myself from the toxic situation, so maybe now, I’m the only one they discuss and everyone else will get a break. It’s cool, I learned how to let it roll and take in consideration the source. ~ Brenda Davis 

I decided not to waste my time on negative people. They look for faults instead of good qualities. ~ Marian Haskins

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