I’ve had enough of people complaining about silly rubbish, I had lost precious people in my life. I’ve notice I’m truly grateful and material things do not matter anymore. ~ Deborah Jane
When you have held the hand of someone you love as their life slips away, you realize how precious life and people really are. Let every thought you think and every action you take be motivated by love. Create a life that is truly incredible. ~ Stu Dancelifts
Complaining never brings anything positive back to the complainee and only serves to drag everyone else down into the doldrums too. I’d rather be an uplifted then a dead weight except in extreme circumstances where something has to change and even then it’s better to work on resolution skills then complaining. ~ Tanya Marie
Everyday is a gift, how you spend it is your decision. It costs nothing to show love and laughter is a gift you can give to anyone.