Any person can say, “I love you”.

Any person can say 'I love you

Saying I love you all the time can be meaningless if it’s not followed with actions of love.

The words, I love you are very loosely spoken; for that matter, I doubt that most people really know the meaning of “love.”

L-O-V-E is an action verb. It means “doing” not just saying.

I say it everyday to my love ones and they “used to be special someone”. Every chance I got I say it with action maybe it was reciprocated in a way unknown to me. When you love someone you only think of the best and bring out the best of that person by showing you care even in small thoughtful things. Simple things as going out in the cold to start their car and so forth. Little things mean a lot. ~ Norma Powell

When you find one that will prove they love you do not let them go, they are not easy to find.

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2 Responses

  1. joeleen
  2. Ruby

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