Any change or loss, doesn’t make us victims

Any change or loss, doesn't make us victims

Not choosing is a choice of giving your power to someone else. So to whom do you wish to relinquish your power. ~ Gina King 

We all have choices in life. We certainly have the power to do whatever we wish to do & accomplish. It is one’s self belief & openess of the heart, which will allow everything to manifest. Love, Peace and harmony within & in our surroundings will most certainly be present. It is our choice to be happy or to live a life as a victim. I CHOOSE TO ALWAYS BE HAPPY! LIFE is TRULY AMAZING. Blessings to you all. ~ Aurora Cavalcante

You create everything that happens in your life and you play a part in everything whether it is positive or negative, directly or indirectly. So just remember when you point a finger at someone else there is always 3 pointing right back at you. This can seem overwhelming at first, knowing you have so much power. However, when you own it and place that amazing power in the right places than you can create the life you’ve always dreamed of. ~ Kirsten May Dunford

I consciously make a choice every day to be true to my self and my beliefs, be present in the moment for my loved ones, my friends and my co-workers and fight what I believe is wrong in the world.

As long as you’re still alive, just be strong and you can always do something.

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