Always have a pretty mind, heart and soul

Always have a pretty mind, heart and soul

Outer beauty gets the attention, but personality gets the heart. It is good to have a beautiful face, but what’s more important is to have a beautiful soul. A sexy body does not guarantee a beautiful heart. It is your inner beauty, kindness and generosity of your heart that makes you so beautiful. ~ Laura Toma 

A pretty face will go away with time, but kind heart and beautiful soul is forever. Time can’t affect on it.

Beautiful soul never have an expiration date.

Beauty is Life in us flowing through us to build others up and make this world a better place by the kindness of grace and the goodness of love. ~ Michelle Worthy 

Their beauty from the inside will shine in their faces. Some with beautiful faces can be really ugly and that too starts to show through. True beauty and kindness is gift and many people have it one just has to look beyond. ~ Debbie Berryman 

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